Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Leadership & Management


Situational Leadership:

Readiness type & leadership style:

Readiness Type

Leadership Style

Description of Leadership Style

R1 – Low competence, low commitment

S1 - Directing

Leadership style 1, directing, is high task-oriented and low relationship-oriented leadership. It is used when followers are at the lowest readiness level, R1, and so they are unable, unwilling, or at least insecure about performing the task. To apply this style, leaders make the decisions, provide lots of direction, clearly communicate expectations, clarify roles, explain how to improve, and monitor performance closely. Communication with this style is largely a one-way street and task specific. Support behavior is avoided, as it might just encourage the follower’s unwillingness.

R2 – Low competence, high commitment

S2 - Coaching

Leadership style 2, coaching, is high task-oriented and high relationship-oriented leadership. If the employee is at the matching readiness level, R2, he/she is still not capable of performing the task, but is willing. At this level, leaders must continue to make decisions, communicate expectations, and direct behavior, but also engage in two-way communication, working closely with the employee and seeking their ideas and suggestions as to what is needed for success. Style 2 leadership guides the work being done and reinforces the follower’s willingness to do it.

R3 – High competence, low commitment

S3 - Supporting

Leadership style 3, supporting, involves low amounts of task-oriented and high amounts of relationship-oriented behavior. At readiness level R3, the follower can do the task but requires support as she begins to work more independently. At this point, minimal direction is needed and too much direction may be perceived as interfering with the worker or even as insulting to him/her. Support is what is needed at this level to build follower confidence. Day-to-day decisions should, wherever possible, be delegated to the follower, with the leader taking part and then facilitating.

R4 – High competence, high commitment

S4 - Delegating

If the employee is at the highest readiness level, R4, it is appropriate to apply leadership style 4, delegating. At this level, control shifts from the leader to the follower and amounts of both task- and relationship-oriented behavior are low. The leader is still involved in decision making and problem solving, but the follower chooses when and how the leader will be involved. Followers at this level are both capable of doing the task and committed to doing it, so low amounts of both types of behavior, direction and support, are what’s needed. Leaders should not step away completely, just for the most part.

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