Friday, June 30, 2023



Success can mean different things to different people.

But for all, it requires the same kind of pattern:

1- Creating Goals: define what success means to you: try writing down your definition of success. If you’re struggling, consider what makes you happiest in life.

2- Identify your ultimate purpose or goal: finding what you love to do will give you motivation along the way. Consider where you want to be in 5, 10, and 20 years. If you’re confused about what your goal or purpose might be, try meeting with a career coach or visiting a good psychologist. Your goals should be quantifiable.

3- Break your goal into small steps. For example, does the goal of starting a technology company seem impossibly unattainable? Bring this down then into smaller steps on how it can be achieved. Make sure that your goals are SMART, Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely. Remember, even a small shift now can make a big difference in the long-run, so don't feel like you necessarily have to make big sweeping changes in your life in order to reach your goals.

4- Set a timeline for when you want to achieve your objective. Make sure to set guidelines for smaller goals as well. Try not to have an all-or-nothing mindset.

5- Identify what resources you need to achieve your objectives. For example, to start your own business, you might need a bank loan. If you want to become a musician, for example, you may need to invest in your own instrument, music, and website, etc.

6- Managing Time and Productivity: set a schedule for yourself. Use a calendar app on your phone or write down your commitments in a planner. If you forget things easily, set reminders or alarms on your phone to remind you. Be realistic about how long tasks take. Personalize your schedule based on what works for you.

7- Minimize distractions as much as possible. Work in a quiet place if possible. Ask family and friends not to bother you while you are working on something. Taking a 5-minutes break every 1 hour can help you refocus. Avoid multitasking.

8- Outsource tasks to other people whenever possible. If you’re writing a novel, for example, ask a friend or a copy editor to read through it for you. If you need a website for your business, hire a web designer to do it for you.

9- Trust other people to do their job. Consider all possible factors when deciding who to trust for a job. Trust in people because trust can be an incredibly motivating factor. Trust in people because you need to, you can't do everything yourself. Don’t forget to trust yourself too!

10- Find a mentor to help guide you. Network. Troubleshoot. Strategize.

11- Continue to learn as much as you can. Read books, watch documentaries, or take online classes to expand your knowledge. Learn as much as you can about your industry, company, hobby, or goal in order to succeed.

12- Take calculated risks. Whether you're a long-distance runner or rolling out back-end solutions to technology giants, partnering with the competition may help you pool your resources, motivate you to work harder, and build new relationships. Lead, don't follow. You won't hit a home run with every idea that you come up with, but you can still succeed in projects.

13- Look for problems to solve. Social problems. Technology problems. Strategic problems. Interpersonal problems. 

14- Use technology as a tool, not as a distraction. Use an online planner or app to help you schedule daily goals, meetings, and tasks. Music often distracts people as they work. Talk to your coworkers and boss in person to avoid being inundated with emails.

15- Setting the Right Attitude. Visualize your success. Dedicate a few minutes every day to imagining your success. Make a vision board of what success means to you. Cultivate a healthy motivation when imagining your success.

16- Express curiosity about everything you face. Ask questions about everything you encounter. If you encounter something new, try looking it up or researching more about it. Talk to other people about their experiences and successes. Curiosity helps you find wonder and joy in everything.

17- Surround yourself with other people who are successful. Study famous people through their books, lectures, and biographies. Look around in your own life for successful people. Avoid people who discourage you or prevent you from reaching your goals.

18- Adjust your expectations for a realistic outcome. Allow there to be some flexibility in your expectations. Remember that there will always be variables you can’t control. Pay attention to feedback. Learn to expect failure.

19- Overcoming Failures. Try again when you face a setback. Don't make excuses. Learn from your failures.

20- Avoid dwelling on failures or mistakes. For example, if you're working in a toxic work environment, take the initiative to reach out and support your coworkers. Sometimes unexpected events happen that can get in the way of your goals.

21- Strive for happiness in other parts of your life. Don't burn bridges along the way. Value experiences over objects.

22- Focus on staying positive even when you fail.

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